Woke Up at 05:00AM🕔||SSC CGL Study Vlog📚CGL Plan 2025🎯|| #study #strategy and #cgl2025
Woke Up at 05:00AM🕔||SSC CGL Study Vlog📚CGL Plan 2025🎯|| #study #strategy and #cgl2025 Hi My name is Jatin kumar singh, Welcome to my channel. I am SSC aspirants and you will get all vlogs and video related to ssc journey.About this video In this video you will see my complete routine during SSC preparation and which book & teacher I prefer for SSC. Maths calculation :- https://t.me/Jatin_Kumar_Singh Maths square and cube :- https://t.me/Jatin_Kumar_Singh My social links - Youtube Channel -    / @jatin_kumar_singh  Instagram Account -   / jatin.pov  Telegram Channel - https://t.me/Jatin_Kumar_Singh Telegram (personal) - https://t.me/Jatin_pov Facebook Account -   / jatinkumarsingh108  @Jatin_Kumar_Singh Make your studies your priorities. "Dreams need commitment" if you don't sacrifice for your dream then your dream becomes a sacrifice. You have to fight to reach your dream, you have to sacrifice and work hard for it. Thankyou. ❤️ Teacher & book did I learn from :-    • BEST BOOKLIST FOR SSC CGL 2024📚📓 || b...  1. English :- book - Neetu maam class notes kiran tcs Neon word power lecture - Neetu maan 2. Maths :- book - kiran tcs lacture - Aditya sir 3. static GK :- book - Lucent Speedy lecture - Richa maam 4. GS :- lacture - Youtube kiran GS 5. Reasoning :- book - kiran tcs :- lacture - Arun sir Queries solved 1. How to prepare for ssc exam 2. Daily routine of SSC aspirants 3. Books used for ssc exam 4. Daily life struggle in ssc aspirants life 5. A day in life of ssc aspirants 6. Time table for ssc exam 7. How many hours should ssc aspirants sleep 8. How many ssc aspirants study 9. Study vlog Study Material link :- SSC Maths Chapterwise 2025 Hindi https://www.flipkart.com/product/p/it... SSC Maths Chap. 2025 Eng https://www.flipkart.com/product/p/it... SSC Reasoning Chapterwise 2025 Eng https://www.flipkart.com/product/p/it... SSC Reasoning Chapterwise 2025 Hindi https://www.flipkart.com/product/p/it... SSC General Awareness 2025 Hindi https://www.flipkart.com/product/p/it... SSC General Awareness 2025 English https://www.flipkart.com/product/p/it... SSC English lang Eng 2025 https://www.flipkart.com/product/p/it... SSC English Lang Hin 2025 https://www.flipkart.com/product/p/it... Neetu Singh class notes:- https://amzn.eu/d/aiphlxw https://dl.flipkart.com/s/WcWyeDNNNN Lucent:- https://dl.flipkart.com/s/WcXL6DNNNN BLACK BOOK:- https://dl.flipkart.com/s/LNb389uuuN Related topics – 12+ Hours Study Vlog, SSC Study Vlog, SSC CGL, SSC Study Routine, SSC Best Motivation, SSC Study Motivation, Motivational Video, SSC Journey with Krishna, Study Hard, SSC Journey, SSC Complete Strategy, CGL preparation, Mental Fitness, Physical Fitness, SSC Maths, SSC English, SSC Reasoning, SSC GS, Aesthetic Study Vlog, Productive Study Vlog, Study Tips & Tricks, SSC CGL 2024, How to prepare for ssc exam, Daily routine of SSC aspirants, Books used for ssc exam, Daily life struggle in ssc aspirants life , A day in life of ssc aspirants, Time table for ssc exam, How many hours should ssc aspirants sleep, How many ssc aspirants study, Study vlog Tip - Make books as your best friend because friends may leave you but your knowledge will not. Reading makes you happy from inside and also makes your mind sharp. 🤞📖🤗🎯 From finding motivation to setting goals, these tips will help you stick to your study routine and reach your academic goals. For more videos on study schedule and vlogs. Do subscribe my channel, press the bell icon and share as much as you can. ✌️ Thank you for reading this. Love and regards. Keep working hard. 🤞🤗 #ssc #ssccgl #sscchsl #sscmts2023 #studyvlog #dream #motivationvideo #selfstudy #viralstudyvlog #youtubvideo #ssc #ssccgl #sscchsl #sscmts2023 #studyvlog #dream #sscchsl #sscmts #motivationvideo #selfstudy #viralstudyvlog #youtubvideo #ytvideo #ssc2023 #mathsforcgl #cglstrategy #gagan_pratap_mitivation #dumraontv #adityaranjansir #rakeshyadavsir #kdlive #neetusingh #jaideepsir #arunkumarsir #laxmibhagat#SSC #ssccgl #productivedayinmylife #ssccgl2023 |2023 #sscmts2023 #cgltoppers #ssccglaspirants #ssccgl #pinnacle #cglresult #mathcgl #adityaranjantalk #cgl #cgl2024 #cgl2024 #studyvlog #studyvlogsph #study #studyvlogsph #vlog #bssc #biharcgl #bssccgl3 #ssc #ssccgl #sscchsl #sscmts2023 #studyvlog #dream #motivationvideo #selfstudy #viralstudyvlog #youtubvideo #ssc #ssccgl #studyvlog #sscchsl