ஆயத்தமாய் இருங்கள்!| 9th March 2025 | Pr.Priya Premnath
#livesundayservice #sundayservice #sermons #ccm #onlineservice #onlinechurch #youTubechurch #premnathsamuel #livesundaychurch #liveservice #premnathsamuel #onlineservice #onlinechurch #onlinechurchservice #onlineworship #calvarycommunitychurch #calvarycommunityministries #church #sundayword #sunday #sundayworship #worship #praise #youtubechurch #adyar #chennai #tamilservice #tamilchurch #tamilchurchlive #tamilsundayservicelivetoday #priyapremnath #anishphilip #vincentsamuel #ccm #ccc Welcome to The Calvary Family, we are so glad you have joined us. We hope you will have a great and blessed service. If any of you have any Prayer requests feel free to post in the comments or in our links in the description box. Also to give online use the details given below. Kindly use the below details to GIVE ONLINE : 1) GOOGLE PAY Number - 98840 87256 2) Bank Transfer \ Net Banking : Account Name - CALVARY COMMUNITY CHURCH Account Number - 18661450000025 Bank Name - HDFC BANK Branch Name - KASTHURIBAI NAGAR, ADYAR IFS Code - HDFC0001866 Click the link below to fill up the NEWCOMER DETAILS : https://forms.gle/GNgsJrSVK7Jo17Zd6 Kindly write us your VALUABLE FEEDBACK: https://forms.gle/SfkSg5qDsbtbUjSM8 Click the SUBSCRIBE button and also don't forget to click the BELL ICON to get further Updates Don't forget to check out our *WEBSITE*: http://www.ccmindia.org/ Also do follow us on our: *Facebook*: / cccindia *Instagram*: / calvarycommunityministries GOD BLESS YOU !!!!!!!