시간을뚫고 & WAY MAKER (mashup cover by COUCH WORSHIP)
시간을 뚫고 & Way Maker (mashup cover by Couch Worship) The ouch of Couch Worship was derived from a closed school cafeteria couch talk amongst few of our friends who were locked down in our campus due to COVID 19 Social distancing changed our lives in so many different ways but our faith is rock solid because God is the master of all time and the way maker We hope our video shortens the distance of our unity in God and would like to express our deepest gratitude to WELOVE and SINACH for amazing inspiration Why not change the world? 코로나로 캠퍼스에 묶여있던 몇명의 학생들이 문 닫힌 학교 카페 카우치에 모여 이야기를 하다가 만들어본 영상입니다 사회적 거리 두기로 변한 것들이 너무 많지만, 시간을 뚫고 길을 만드시는 하나님을 어느때보다 기쁘게 찬양하고 싶은 마음을 담았습니다 이 비디오가 코로나로 인해 어려움을 겪는 모든 분들에게 조금이나마 위로와 힘이 될 수 있기를 바라며 언제나 멋진 영감을 주는 WELOVE 와 SINACH 팀에게 깊은 감사와 사랑의 인사를 전합니다 (Lyrics/ 가사) 당신은 시간을 뚫고 이 땅 가운데 오셨네 우리 없는 하늘 원치 않아 우리 삶에 오셨네 자신의 편안 버리고 우리게 평안 주셨네 가장 낮은 자의 모습으로 우리 삶에 오셨네 하나님 우리와 영원히 함께하시네 꿈없는 우리게 그 나라 보여주시네 연약한 자들의 친구가 되어주시고 힘없는 우리의 인생을 위로하시네 You are the master of all time, who came down to earth It could n’t be the heaven with no others, you came into our lives You have given up your comfort, and brought peace to us humbled yourself before us, as the lowest of the low God You are who you are, with us for now and always be To us, the dreamless, you show your kingdom for us to see For whom are powerless, his spirit comforts broken hearts When we are helpless, he calls us friends and walks with me Way maker miracle worker promise keeper light in the darkness My God that is who you are (Crew) Vocal : 13권세인, 19김인애 Acoustic Guitar : 13권세인 Keyboard : 17김하진 Electric Guitar : 17이한결 Bass Guitar : 13김재환 Drum : 16김건 Mixing & Mastering : 19홍유진 Music Sheet : 16소우주 Film Director : 16박송주 Lighting Director : 17최은석 Lighting Assistant : 17전규태 Lighting Assistant : 15김지윤 Art Director/ Costume Designer : 18김가은 Editor : 14서준희 Makeup Artist : 19이시온 Photographer : 19정수연 Film Director : 16박송주 Assistant Director : 16김하람 Director : 13권세인