Why Trading Forex is so Difficult - Randomness in the Markets: Clusters of Bad and Good Luck

Why Trading Forex is so Difficult - Randomness in the Markets: Clusters of Bad and Good Luck

● We interview traders & educators regularly. Subscribe if you want to learn while being entertained. ✔ Please like the video and comment if you enjoyed - it helps a lot! ● To Trade forex we recommend those brokers http://www.financial-spread-betting.c... Why Trading Forex is so Difficult: Randomness in the Markets: Clusters of Bad and Good Luck. David Paul, Financial Trader comments. If you found value in watching this video, PLEASE LIKE AND SHARE so we can do more! It is always my understanding that it is difficult to make money long term when trading currencies and indices - how do you manage? Most trend following systems have less than a 50% correct hit rate. This means that you get a series of losing trades from time-to-time - how good would you be with executing your system with precision when you get 5 losing trades in a row.