Here’s a trick to keep your garden happy and watered while you’re on vacation #gardening

Here’s a trick to keep your garden happy and watered while you’re on vacation #gardening

Here’s how I keep my containers and gardens watered while we are on vacation. Vacations are the best… but I do worry about my garden and containers while I’m away — especially with the drought we’re in right now and the temperatures in the 90s. Last year was the first year I set up the container watering station and it worked PERFECTLY 👌 — I’m a huge fan of the @hoselinkusa 9 pattern sprinkler and use it all the time — the adjustable head means I can buy and have one sprinkler instead of 3 different sprinkler heads to water the garden in times of drought. I’ve had it for 3 years now and use it a lot during the summer months and it still looks brand new 👌 #gardening #gardentips #gardenlife #hoselinkusa #hoselink