I Made My Dad Watch Anime OPs for the FIRST TIME... - Mr. Goatee
Happy Father's Day! I recorded this a couple years back with my dad and have been sitting on the footage for a while, and decided today would be a good time to show it to you guys! It was a lot of fun, I know the audio is a bit garbly so I apologize for that, but if you want more of these videos I have better equipment now so I would love to do more! Credits: Edited by: @JTriggerVideos Dad: My Dad Host: Mr. Goatee Anime openings and endings used: Death Parade OP Vinland Saga ED2 One Punch Man OP Fate Stay Night UBW OP 2 Interspecies Reviewers OP Ergo Proxy OP Demon Slayer OP Lucky Star OP Tokyo Ghoul OP Great Pretender ED