Monday Motivation: Adam-Stokes Syndrome (Free NCLEX Review)

Monday Motivation: Adam-Stokes Syndrome (Free NCLEX Review)

Sign up for our Black Friday Event to access our 4-hour NCLEX Review, V2 Renewals and Discounts, New Courses, Game Night, and more surprises! Plus, for a limited time, get Quick Facts for NCLEX or Quick Facts for Nursing School for just $10. Sales end today, Monday! Register for FREE: Join Prof. Regina Callion, MSN, RN, in this informative video as we explore Adam-Stokes Syndrome, a rare heart condition that can lead to fainting and other serious symptoms. We’ll break down what this syndrome is, its signs and symptoms, and the causes behind it. Learn about the risk factors that can increase your chances of developing this condition and the diagnostic tests used for proper identification. We’ll also discuss effective treatment options and preventive measures to help you stay healthy. Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more informative content on nursing and healthcare topics. ► Get NCLEX V2: ► Get Quick Facts Next Gen - ►NCLEX V2 Free Trial - ► GET THE PODCAST: ► WATCH LESSONS: ► FOLLOW ReMar on Instagram:   / remarnurse   ► LIKE ReMar on Facebook:   / remarreview   ► Subscribe Now on YouTube - #AdamStokesSyndrome #NCLEXVirtualTrainer #nclexprep #nclexnursing #remarrevie