Honor the Lord with Your Money (Part 4) | Pastor Joe Cotinola
Welcome to Church Online. Join us every Sunday Morning, LIVE from Whittier with Elder/Pastor Joe Cotinola, Victory Outreach Whittier. 💻 Subscribe to receive our latest content: https://bit.ly/2JYZzGL ⛪️ Support the ministry of Victory Outreach Whittier and invest in the lives of others through giving click here: https://bit.ly/3gg3riV 🙏 If you need prayer or want to share a good report click here: https://bit.ly/3qGjewn FOLLOW US ►► Instagram:    / vowhittier  ►► Facebook:    / vowhittier  ►► Twitter: https://bit.ly/3dALeuN Visit our website: victoryoutreachwhittier.org Come Worship With Us: Sunday 9 & 11 AM (Celebration Service) 6 PM (Sunday Night Live) Wednesday 7 PM (Highschool & Young Adult Service) Friday 7:30 PM (Fire & Power Prayer Service) Address: 7021 Greenleaf Ave. Whittier, CA 90602 —— #joecotinola #doreencotinola #victoryoutreachwhittier #Whittier #online #churchonline #jesus #thisistheplaceforyou #victoryoutreachchurch #church #live #onlinechurch ——