Today's Mass Readings & Gospel Reflection | October 31, 2021 - Sunday (31st Week in O.T.)

Today's Mass Readings & Gospel Reflection | October 31, 2021 - Sunday (31st Week in O.T.)

This Video shows the Catholic Daily Mass Readings, it includes the first reading, Psalm Response and the Gospel. If you like what we are doing and want to express your support, you can support us thru; GCASH - 0926-733-2410 Please know that your support would be very much appreciated and will be a large help especially in these trying times and pandemic. Thank you and God Bless to everyone. you can also connect with us thru; [email protected] I want you to know that I'm reading all of your comments and suggestions. I pray for all of us. If you want to pray for someone or something, just comment down below so that I and your fellow subscribers could include them in our prayers. I hope that this (our community) will pray for each other. Let us lift each others' prayers to the Lord. Thank you and God bless. Watch A Powerful Morning Prayer    • MORNING PRAYER 🌞🌞🌞 Start Each Day wit...   Watch 5 Prayers to Teach Kids    • Top 5 Powerful Prayers to Teach Kids ...   Pray the Rosary – Luminous Mystery    • How to Pray the Rosary // Rosary Guid...   Pray the Rosary – Glorious Mystery    • How to Pray the Rosary | ROSARY GUIDE...   Pray the Rosary – Sorrowful Mystery    • How to Pray the Rosary | ROSARY GUIDE...   Pray the Rosary – Joyful Mystery    • How to Pray the Rosary | ROSARY GUIDE...   Prayer for Protection Against Covid-19    • Prayer Against COVID - 19 - A Prayer ...   Feel free to share your reflections, comments and suggestions on the Comment section down below. Music by 1. Aakash Gandhi - Angel's Dream #mass #sunday #october #massreadings #bibleverse #massreadingsfortoday #todaysmassreadings #dailymassreadings #gospel #bible #bibleversefortoday #todaysbibleverse #dailybibleverse #mass #reflection