Braised Chicken Wings Mushrooms and Taro with Oyster Sauce | Chinese Food Recipe | Asereth Maria

Braised Chicken Wings Mushrooms and Taro with Oyster Sauce | Chinese Food Recipe | Asereth Maria

Ingredients: 1. chicken wings 2. dried mushrooms 3. taro (gabi) 4. green chili pepper 5. ginger 6. onion 7. garlic 8. turmeric 9. chili onion SEASONINGS; Fish sauce salt and black pepper to taste oyster sauce #aserethmariakitchen #chicken #mushroom #taro #gabi #chinesefood #chinesefoodrecipe #chinesefoodrecipes #howtocook #howtomake #murangulam #murangrecipes #howtocookchinesefood #chinesecooking #chickenwithmushroom #chickenwithtaro #chickenwithmushroomrecipe #chickenwithmushroomoystersauce #braisedchickenwithtaroandmushroomrecipe #chickenwithtarorecipe #chickenwingswithmushroomsinoystersauce #mushroomrecipe #chickenrecipe #chickenwingsrecipe #chickenstewwithtaro #taro #mushroom #oystersauce #braisedgingerchickenwithoystersauce #braisedchicken #cantonesecooking #cantonesestylerecipe #hongkongdishes #hongkongstylecooking #braisedchickenwings #nocopyrightmusic #lapagan #dikitan #livestreaming #silentls #shitakemushroomsrecipe #braisedchickenfeet #12345sauce #cantonesefood #cantonesefoodrecipe