Greasy bread in 10 minutes! No oven! This is the tastiest thing I've ever eaten!Conquers immediately
Greasy bread in 10 minutes! No oven! This is the tastiest thing I've ever eaten! Conquer immediately Hello friends 😘, Today I will make you a super delicious and easy recipe from simple ingredients 😋. The main ingredients are flour, water and salt 😃 Try these easy and delicious recipes and "How do you like it?!" Let me know in a comment. Peace and love 💕 my friends! Have a delicious day! 😋🤤 Necessary materials: 2 glasses of water 300 ml 1 teaspoon salt 350 grams of wheat flour to drive between 150 grams of butter 50 ml olive oil #delicious #tasty #yum #yummy #asmar #breakfast #muffins #pastry #katmertarifi #katmer