Bottle gourd halwa recipe l Dudhi Halwa l Lauki Halwa | Sorekai Halwa | Have a Bite
Recipe Name: Bottle Gourd Halwa Cuisine: Indian Type : Dessert Health Benefits: Bottle gourd is a rich source of vitamin C, K and calcium. It helps in maintaining a healthy heart and brings down bad cholesterol levels. Ingredients: Bottle gourd(grated/finely chopped)-1cup Water-1 cup Milk-1cup Sugar - 3-4 tsf Salt - 1 pinch Ghee- 2-3 tsf Jaggery(optional) -2tsf Dry fruits-Desired amount Method: Take grated bottle gourd in a pan, add water and heat it on a high flame.Pour milk when water content is evaporated. Also add sugar, ghee and jaggery. Stir it well.Add dry fruits when bottle gourd becomes soft.Stir well until water evaporates. Note: If you add more jaggery and keep the halwa overnight or refrigerated it becomes bottle gourd barfi. Thank you for watching, please do subscribe to my channel-" Have a bite".