Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 - Oligarch All Weapons, Items, Armaments, Upgrade Locations

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 - Oligarch All Weapons, Items, Armaments, Upgrade Locations

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (COD MW3) has 145 Collectibles - 121 Weapons & Items, 12 Armaments, 12 Plate Carrier Upgrades. Finding all collectible locations unlocks the following trophies & achievements: No Such Thing as Too Many (Find and use all Armaments in Open Combat Missions) Gearhead (Collect all Weapons and Field Upgrades from Supply Boxes in Open Combat Missions) Bulletproof (Find all Plate Carrier Upgrades in Open Combat Missions) The collectibles are found exclusively in the 6 "Open Combat Missions" of the Singleplayer campaign. They are the open world missions with a skull icon in mission select. They also show a progress counter for Weapons/Items collected in Mission select. Only the following 6 missions have collectibles: Mission 2: Precious Cargo Mission 3: Reactor Mission 7: Crash Site Mission 9: Oligarch Mission 10: Highrise Mission 12: Gora Dam There are 2 Plate Carrier Upgrades in each of these missions. Of Armaments (Killstreaks) you only need to use one of each unique type for trophies/achievements (the duplicate ones aren't needed). For Weapons/Items only the ones inside orange boxes count (enemy drops don't count). The best approach is to follow the video in real time, play as you watch the video and copy the path. This way you can collect completely everything across all missions in under 1 hour. Progress is saved instantly, no need to reach the next checkpoint, after finding everything can quit to main menu and start the next mission right away. TIMELINE MISSION 9: OLIGARCH 1 - WEAPON: MCW 6.8 - 0:00 2 - WEAPON: EXPLOSIVE CROSSBOW - 0:27 3 - WEAPON: STB 556 - 0:41 4 - ARMOR UPGRADE 1/2 - 0:52 5 - ARMAMENT: CRUISE MISSILE - 1:05 6 - ITEM: RECON DRONE - 1:08 7 - WEAPON: INCENDIARY BRYSON 800 - 1:20 8 - WEAPON: SILENCED M16 - 1:25 9 - ITEM: HEARTBEAT SENSOR - 1:38 10 - ITEM: NIGHT VISION GOGGLES - 1:49 11 - ITEM: ASCENDER - 1:54 12 - WEAPON: EXPLOSIVE KATT-AMR - 2:08 13 - WEAPON: SILENCED DM56 - 2:26 14 - ARMAMENT: BOMB DRONE + WEAPON: CRONEN SQUALL - 3:09 15 - ITEM: ANTI-ARMOR ROUNDS - 3:23 16 - WEAPON: RGL-80 - 3:33 17 - WEAPON: PULEMYOT 762 - 3:42 18 - ARMOR UPGRADE 2/2 - 4:01 19 - ARMAMENT: CLUSTER MINE - 4:15 20 - WEAPON: SILENCED BRYSON 800 - 4:17 21 - ARMAMENT: UAV - 4:24 22 - ARMAMENT: PRECISION AIRSTRIKE - 4:39 23 - WEAPON: MINIGUN - 4:54 24 - ARMAMENT: SAM TURRET - 5:00 25 - ITEM: ARMOR BOX - 5:06 26 - WEAPON: HYBRID KASTOV 545 - 5:18 27 - WEAPON: SILENCED WSP-9 - 5:26 28 - WEAPON: AKIMBO .50 GS - 5:41 29 - ITEM: SNAPSHOT PULSE - 5:52 30 - WEAPON: SILENCED M4 - 6:08 Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (2023) Trophy Guide & Roadmap: SUBSCRIBE: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Follow PowerPyx:    / powerpyx     / powerpyx     / powerpyx   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~