Criminology For CSS | Chapter#4 | For CSS Aspirants | M Imtiaz Shahid
In this informative video, M Imtiaz Shahid interviews Dr Nasir Khan on the topic of criminology for CSS aspirants. Dr Khan is a seasoned professional in the field of criminology and has a wealth of knowledge and experience to share with viewers. The interview covers various topics, including the definition of criminology, the various theories and perspectives within the field, and how criminology can be applied to real-world situations. Dr Khan also provides valuable advice for CSS aspirants interested in pursuing a career in criminology. Whether you are a student of criminology, a CSS aspirant, or simply someone who is interested in learning more about this fascinating field, this video is a must-watch. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy this engaging conversation between M Imtiaz Shahid and Dr Nasir Khan. #Criminology #CSSAspirants #DrNasirKhan #MImtiazShahid #Interview #Theory #Perspective #RealWorld #CareerAdvice #Education #Learning #Knowledge #Research #Study #Investigation #CrimePrevention #LawEnforcement #Punishment #JusticeSystem #LegalIssues #CrimeRates #Victimology #ForensicPsychology #CriminalJustice #SocialJustice #CommunityEngagement #PublicSafety #PoliceWork #Judiciary #Penology #Probation #Parole #Rehabilitation #CorrectionalFacilities #JuvenileJustice #CrimeAndPunishment