F# Concepts Course - Talk Music, Advanced Progressions, Diminished Passing Moves, Runs & Licks.

F# Concepts Course - Talk Music, Advanced Progressions, Diminished Passing Moves, Runs & Licks.

This is not a tutorial but an overview of the full detailed course. Contact Real Paul Kheuller to get access to the full course at a fee. WhatsApp :+233206114303 Email: [email protected] Instagram: Real Paul Kheuller The course comprises of 1. Scales ( Major scales and minor scales practice) 2. Common and popular gospel endings 3. 7 3 6 movements 4. Passing Movements to the 4 and 5 5. Diminished 7 chord movements 6. Drop 2s and Talk music 7. As the dear breakdown 8. Appergio runs 9. Other songs breakdown 10. 2 5 1 s