Rich Dad's 9 Money Making Tips

Rich Dad's 9 Money Making Tips

🎬Rich Dad's 9 Money-Making Tips 💝This video breaks down the most valuable money-making tips from Robert Kiyosaki’s best-selling book *Rich Dad Poor Dad*. Learn about the three types of income—earned, portfolio, and passive—and how understanding these can help you grow wealth. Discover the importance of financial education, the tax advantages of passive income, and why turning earned income into assets is crucial for financial freedom. We also cover lessons on embracing risk, paying yourself first, mastering sales skills, and finding your personal “why” for motivation. Finally, we explore the power of giving back and how it can open doors to abundance and success. Perfect for anyone looking to start their journey toward financial independence. 💝 Other Video's 👇 🔷️ The Surprising Truth About Investing Nobody Tells You 🎬   • The Surprising Truth About Investing ...   🔷️STOP Wasting Time 7 Easy Ways to Make Money Now 🎬   • STOP Wasting Time 7 Easy Ways to Make...   🔷️I Made Money FAST with These 7 Easy Ways! 🎬   • FAST Money Making Secrets Only a Few ...   🔷️Why do the rich get richer and the poor get w🎬   • Why do the rich get richer and the po...   ✨️Thank you to our amazing subscribers! Your support means the world to us. Help us reach our goal of 10,000 subscribers by liking, sharing, and subscribing today!✨️ Rich Dad Poor Dad, Robert Kiyosaki, passive income, financial freedom, portfolio income, wealth building, sales skills, investing, financial education, pay yourself first, real estate, risk-taking, tax benefits, assets vs liabilities, personal finance