Understanding how Benzodiazepines (eg valium, xanax) can make anxiety worse with regular use.

Understanding how Benzodiazepines (eg valium, xanax) can make anxiety worse with regular use.

Commonly taking benzodiazepines can result in rebound anxiety and the regular use of benzodiazepines can lead to tolerance and withdrawal anxiety. So regular use is a problem and many people can end up stuck on them and have difficulties stopping them. When they try and stop anxiety is severe, but in large part that could be the effect of the rebound anxiety / withdrawal. The mechanism behind this is neuroadaptation. The brain makes more (GABA A) receptors to compensate for the effect of these drugs on the receptor. Hence tolerance occurs as does rebound anxiety when regular use is suddenly stopped. Some common Benzodiazepines mentioned are: Valium (diazepam) Xanax (alprazolam) Temaze (temazepam) Check out our website: www.thepsychcollective.com For informational purposes only, not clinical advise, no doctor-patient relationship formed by interacting with this content or comments. #skillsbeforepills #benzo #anxiety Website: https://www.thepsychcollective.com Free resources: https://www.thepsychcollective.com/re... Follow us on Facebook:   / thepsychcollective   YouTube:    / thepsychcollective   Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thepsychcol... LinkedIn:   / the-psych-collective   Quora: https://www.quora.com/profile/Al-Gris... Medium:   / al.griskaitis   Substack: https://algriskaitis.substack.com/ Depression Solution eBook, addressing the root causes of depression, sensitivity and negative emotion: https://www.thepsychcollective.com/re...