In this bible study, Bishop David Oyedepo shares the bible with us for spiritual awakening and develop us for spiritual warfare through Christian guided meditations on the bible and godly confessions. ########## LETS SHIP FREE RHAPSODY DEVOTIONAL TO YOUR HOME IN USA - 100% FREE If you live in USA and need a FREE paper copy of the RHAPSODY DAILY DEVOTIONAL shipped to your home, click here: LINK: https://https://inspire.zionike.net/free-devotional/ ########### WATCH MORE VIDEOS MORE VIDEOS: / bibleprojects KINGDOM WEALTH: / @kingdomwealth1081 HEALING & DELIVERANCE: / @healingsermons1661 PROPHETIC CHANNEL: / @propheticchannel5775 MARRIAGE & RELATIONSHIPS: / @recklesslove9493 FASTING & PRAYERS: / @fastingandprayer7364 RAPTURE & ENDTIMES: / @raptureendtimes6146 BIBLE AFFIRMATIONS: / @dailybibleaffirmations4522 SPIRITUAL GIFTS: / @spiritualgifts3939 ######### As vigilant Christians this bible study develops our faith no more in the world but on the bible. Faith on the bible in not Blind faith. God is raising men with Kingdom heart through the gospel messages and gospel music. Christ is the king! ########## TO GET NOTIFICATIONS OF OUR BIBLE STUDY SESSIONS, PLEASE: Like Share Subscribe GOD BLESS YOU FOR HAVING KINGDOM HEART AND BEING A BLESSING TO SOMEONE ELSE :) Enjoy the bible based, spirit filled, faith building life transforming word for freedom, peace and prosperity. The word of God is life. It brings deliverance from every darkness, healing to sickness, and saves from poverty. Experience the love of God and enjoy that miracle you need today Be blessed by this glorious and timeless word by the man of God. You can get more messages by visiting the Pastor Chris Digital Library. App available on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store, or visit https://pcdl.co/ for more. Visit Pastor Chris Live, Rhapsody of Reality for Daily Devotional, Your LoveWorld TV channels to learn more from the man of God. FOR MORE INFORMATION: E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: https://inspire.zionike.net/ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/Zioniketv-1035648... INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/zioniketv/ PINTEREST: https://www.pinterest.com/zioniketv/_created/ FREE DEVOTIONAL TO YOUR HOME IN USA: https://inspire.zionike.net/free-devotional/ ALL POWERED BY: https://www.zionike.net/ #gospeltruth #biblestudy #teaching #pastorchris