Labor and delivery vlog!! part 2| Our third premature baby, 36 week premie, preeclampsia, mom of 3!

Labor and delivery vlog!! part 2| Our third premature baby, 36 week premie, preeclampsia, mom of 3!

Here’s our labor and delivery vlog of baby #4! This is our 3rd premature baby which it was very nerve wrecking because you don’t know what to expect! We lost our first baby at 23 weeks, our second was full term, our third was born at 33 weeks and had a 2 week NICU stay, and now our forth baby at 36 weeks whom was healthy and he got to come home with us! My family has truly been blessed with all these little miracles and it’s been a wonderful journey! Thank you all whose come along with me and would appreciate likes and comment below your birth stories! I would love to hear! ❤️ #earlylabor #family #pregnancy #newbornbaby #preeclampsia #premature #familyof5 #mylaboranddelivery #laboranddeliveryvlog #epidural #medicated #fyp #likeandsubscribe #comment #blessedmother #blessed #momofmany