A walk through Mr Patrick feed Mill factory - Catfish Farming - Psenass Agric Enterprise

A walk through Mr Patrick feed Mill factory - Catfish Farming - Psenass Agric Enterprise

#catfishfarming #catfish #feedmill A walk through Mr Patrick feed Mill factory - Catfish Farming - Psenass Agric Enterprise Where he mix feeds that gave him giant catfish result Come n Subscribe to my other Channel : Family's channel : The Arthurs :    / thearthurs   Wife's Channel : Veekee Arthur:    / veekeearthur   Land and Building/raw materials Channels: Arthur Updates:    / @doluwafemi   Street Food Channel: ( Food Awesomeness ):    / @oluwafemivsfood1872   SOCIAL MEDIA instagram.com/arthurfm007 Facebook Page:   / arthurfm007   For business or sponsorships deals; [email protected] Please subscribe, like and share for more videos