Norwegian Getaway - April 2022  | Vlog Day 6 |  Chill Day/Glow Party

Norwegian Getaway - April 2022 | Vlog Day 6 | Chill Day/Glow Party

Join us on day 6 of our 7 day trip to Bermuda on the Norwegian Getaway out of New York, April 10-17 2022. Day 6 was our last day in Bermuda. Due to a late night on day 5 and a national holiday closing most businesses in Bermuda, we opted to stay on the ship. After a lunch American Diner, some napped, some laid out in the sun, and some had a friendly competition at Bermuda Fun Golf. After a relaxing afternoon, it was time to start our night. A few of us went to Shanghai's noodle bar for dinner before meeting the group for drinks at Syd Normans. Night 6 was the Glow Party, and despite it being less successful than its previous iterations at Spice H20, we still had so much fun! One day to go! Join us in our next vlog to see our 7th and final day on the Norwegian Getaway.