[ENG] 막국수는 살 안 찌쥬? 들기름 막국수 만들기, 들기름 막국수 레시피, Buckwheat Noodles with Perilla Oil Recipe
#술안주 #주당언니 #들기름막국수 들기름의 항산화 성분이 멜라닌을 억제해 다크서클이랑 주근깨 예방에 좋다는군 몸에도 좋고 맛도 좋고~ 들기름과 메밀면의 매력에 빠져서 나처럼 일주일 내내 만들어 먹어도 책임 못 져~~ -재료(2인분) 메밀면 150g (500원 동전 크기) 깻잎 5~10장 쪽파 4개 구운 김 2장 통깨 2큰술 들기름 3~4큰술 진간장 2큰술 설탕 1큰술 매실청 1큰술 -간단 레시피 1 야채는 크기에 맞게 썰어주고 김은 잘게 부수어 주고 통깨는 으깨 주세요 2 메밀면은 4~5분 삶아 차가운 물에 넣고 손으로 비벼 헹궈 준 뒤 물기를 제거해 주세요 3 접시에 메밀면, 깻잎, 깨, 쪽파를 담고 들기름 1T를 두른 후 맛있게 비벼 드세요 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Buckwheat Noodles with Perilla Oil (Mak-guksu) This is a Buckwheat noodles (mak-guksu) recipe seasoned with perilla oil that can be enjoyed refreshingly on a hot summer day Antioxidants in perilla oil suppress melanin pigment and are said to be good for preventing dark circles and freckles A summer delicacy that tastes good and is also good for your body! Don't blame me if you, like me, are obsessed with the combination of perilla oil and buckwheat noodles and make and eat only this for a week! :) Ingredients (2 Servings) - 150g of buckwheat noodles (the size of a quarter coin when clumped together) - 5-10 perilla leaves - 4 chives - 2 sheets of roasted seaweed - 2 tablespoons of sesame seeds - 3-4 tablespoons of perilla oil - 2 tablespoons of soy sauce - 1 tbsp of sugar - 1 tbsp of green plum extract Simple recipe 1 Cut vegetables according to size, break seaweed into small pieces, and mash sesame seeds 2 Boil the buckwheat noodles for 4-5 minutes, soak them in cold/ice water, scrub them with your hands, and remove the water 3 Put buckwheat noodles, sesame leaves, sesame seeds, and chives on a plate, mix them well with 1 tbsp of perilla oil, and enjoy! #들기름막국수만들기 #들기름 #막국수 #메밀국수 #들기름막국수만드는법 #막국수양념장 #면요리 #고기리막국수 들기름효능 #asmrfood #asmrsounds #asmreating #asmrvideo #asmreatingsounds #asmreatingnoodles #asmreatingsound