How To Make Clam Pizza | Dessert Person

How To Make Clam Pizza | Dessert Person

How To Make Clam Pizza | Dessert Person Explore the art of making a delectable Clam Pizza with Claire Saffitz, inspired by the renowned Frank Pepe Pizzeria in Connecticut. This no-nonsense recipe accommodates various pizza dough options, be it homemade, from your local grocery store, or pizzeria. Follow Claire's step-by-step guide as she utilizes fresh clams, harvested near her parent's Cape Cod residence, ensuring an authentic and flavorful pizza experience. Elevate your pizza game with this easy-to-follow recipe that combines the essence of Frank Pepe Pizzeria and the coastal freshness of Cape Cod clams. Perfect for pizza enthusiasts looking for a savory homemade treat! #ClamPizza #Pizza #clairesaffitz Ingredients Pizza Dough Olive Oil Garlic Red Pepper Flakes Clams Parmesan Parsley Lemon Chapters: 00:00 Intro 01:27 Ingredients & Special Equipment 02:04 Cook the Garlic Mixture 05:55 Prepare the Pizza Dough 09:09 Finish the Toppings 09:59 Serve 11:15 Cat Cam What's for Dessert by Claire Saffitz is out now: Dessert Person Online: Claire on Instagram: Claire Merchandise: Penguin Random House Books: Video Series: Producer/Director: Vincent Cross Camera Operator: Calvin Robertson Editor: Hal McFall Assistant Editor: Asher Rogers Theme Song: Michael Guggino Animation Credits: Character Designer/Animator: Jack Sherry Character Rigger: Johara Dutton Background/Prop Designer: M. Cody Wiley Background Illustrator: Jagriti Khirwa