घरेलू नुस्खों द्वारा ख़राब गुर्दे का उपचार | Home Remedies for Kidney Failure Treatment in Ayurveda
Home Remedies for Kidney Failure Treatment | घरेलू नुस्खों द्वारा ख़राब गुर्दे का उपचार I Karma Ayurveda Kidneys remove wastes and extra fluid from our blood. But when our kidneys fail, wastes and extra fluid can build up in your blood and make feel sick. To Consult our doctors call @011-4777-2777 or visit:- https://karmaayurveda.in/ #Home Remedies #kidneyfailure #kidneydisease Symptoms of kidney failure may include: • fever • chills • back or side pain • groin pain • abdominal pain • nausea and vomiting • frequent urination • urine that’s cloudy, smells bad, or contains blood Home Remedies for Kidney Failure Disease 1. Drink Lots of Water Intake lots of water is easiest and best home remedy for any kidney patients because drinking plenty of water can help flush bacteria from the body, helping the infection to be eliminated faster. It can also help clear out the entire urinary system. 2. Apple cider vinegar is one of the most popular home remedies, no matter what type of condition you’re trying to treat. It’s touted by some as a remedy for kidney infections, too, thanks to its antibacterial properties. That being said, there’s no evidence or research available that supports this usage. 3. Avoid alcohol and coffee The kidneys’ most important role is to filter out harmful substances and toxins, and both alcohol and caffeine can require extra work from the kidneys. This may hinder the process of healing from an infection. Alcohol and antibiotics also shouldn’t be mixed, so avoid alcohol during your treatment for this reason as well. 4. Baking Soda According to British researchers, use of Sodium bicarbonate to cure from kidney disease is useful which is available in baking soda. 5. Vegetable Juice Kidney Patients should intake juice of Carrot or cucumber which is useful for kidney patients to become healthy. Karma Ayurveda is the best ayurvedic hospital that promises to offer patients the completely safest and natural treatment for kidney failure disease. All the treatments here at Karma Ayurveda are 100% natural, genuine, and medically proficient. We have a specialized team of kidney experts that works round the clock to proffer our patients the superlative Ayurveda medicines for kidney that not only offer successful stories all over India but also build a brand name for ourselves. To Know More Contact ourTeam of Doctors @011-4777-2777 Or visit:- https://karmaayurveda.in/ Yoga & Exercise for Kidney Failure Problems ( किडनी प्रॉब्लम्स के लिए टॉप 4 योगा पोज़ेज़) • Yoga & Exercise for Kidney Failure Pr... किडनी को स्वस्थ रखने के घरेलू उपाय • किडनी को स्वस्थ रखने के घरेलू उपाय | ... Acupressure points for Kidney Disease • Acupressure points for Kidney Disease... Diet in kidney failure Patients - Foods To Be Avoided & Recommended • Diet in kidney failure Patients - Foo... kidney treatment without dialysis stop kidney dialysis dr puneet dhawan chronic kidney disease chronic kidney disease treatment kidney failure kidney failure treatment kidney failure symptoms home remedies for kidney failure home remedies for kidney disease kidney diseases kidney disease treatment घरेलू नुस्खों द्वारा ख़राब गुर्दे का उपचार karma ayurveda home remedies kidney treatment in ayurveda kidney treatment natural kidney treatment kidneys