Guided Womb Meditation for Self-Love, Trust, Self-Worth and Spirit-Baby Bliss

Guided Womb Meditation for Self-Love, Trust, Self-Worth and Spirit-Baby Bliss

Welcome to your guided meditation. I am going to hold your hand and help you feel safe as you delve into the depths of your sacred heart chamber. Be prepared to activate the power of your heart and your womb - in a relaxed way that helps you to surrender and receive the power that abounds you. This Guided Healing Womb Meditation For Self Love, Trust, Self Worth and Spirit Baby Bliss will help anyone trying to conceive (TTC). If you enjoy Fiona Boulton's fertility meditations, then you will love the ENERGY IS EVERYTHING COURSE! See more details here - #guidedmeditation #meditation #selflove #selfworth #trust #spiritbaby #energy #energyhealing #ttc #tryingtoconceive #womb #wombhealing