GLUTE BLAST // 10 Minute Spin Class • Cycling Workout to Build Your Glutes
Can cycling build your glutes? Yes! This 10 min spin class is a HIIT cycling workout to target and tone those glute muscles, featuring Tabata! Who needs Peloton workout videos when you have YouTube!? Click LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to help support my channel! Thank you! The 'ol weight loss, fat burning cycling workout, and burn fat fast spin class are all great buzz words, but that's not what this channel is about. We ride to SMASH our personal bests. Strength and power, baby! 5 MINUTE POST-RIDE SPIN BIKE STRETCH: • THE BEST STRETCHES FOR CYCLISTS // 5 ... FULL SEATED BIKE WORKOUT FOR LOW IMPACT CARDIO: • HONEY BEE // 30 Minute Spin Class • F... For more tips on how to use cycling to build your glutes, watch this! • Spinning to Build Your Glutes • 5 Tri... Here is the full 10 minute workout: Warm-up: 1 minute Set 1: 4 x 20s ON/10s OFF (Power Sprint/Power Climb) Set 2 45s ON/15s OFF (Climb/Climb/Power Climb Transition) Set 3 4 x Dirty Thirties (3x Climb + 1x Full Throttle) Set 4 45s ON/15s OFF (Climb/Climb/Power Climb Transition) Set 5 4 x 20s ON/10s OFF (Power Sprint/Power Climb) I hope you enjoyed your workout! If you would like to donate to my channel, click here: https://donate.stripe.com/5kA6pl5Xr9K... Thank you so much for all of your support!!!!! ----- WORKOUT OUTFIT OF THE DAY: https://creatoriq.cc/3RSCAeB *As part of the lululemon creator network, I earn a commission on all purchases made. ----- JOIN THE KIRSTEN ALLEN SPIN CLUB: / strava ------ CONNECT ON INSTAGRAM: @dietitianillustrated / dietitianillustrated ------ ABOUT ME: Hi! My name is Kirsten, I'm a Registered Dietitian, Professional Home Economist and Spin Instructor with a Bachelors degree in Kinesiology. Health and fitness is my profession, but more than anything, it's my passion! I create content to share this passion with others, all in the name of fostering inspiration and motivation! Thank you for checking out my channel, Kirsten Allen, BSc Kin, RD, P.H.Ec. ----- PURCHASE YOUR OWN BODY COMPOSITION & WEIGHT LOSS MEAL PLAN ($20 CAD): https://dietitianillustrated.com/shop/ ------ DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE 8-WEEK SPIN PROGRAM FOR BEGINNERS HERE: https://dietitianillustrated.com/shop/ *All thumbnails in this document are clickable links! This program is intended to guide you through my ever-growing library of spin classes so that you can gradually build your strength, speed, and endurance on the bike! Starting with two indoor cycling workouts weekly, and progressing to three by the end of the eight weeks, this program will give you the stamina and confidence to tackle the more advanced and longer duration classes you never thought possible! ------ Other Helpful Videos: SPIN BIKE BUYER'S GUIDE: • The ULTIMATE Spin Bike Buyer's Guide ... PROPER SPIN BIKE SET UP: • The ULTIMATE Guide to Spin Bike Setup... YOGA STRETCH FOR RUNNERS & CYCLISTS: • Yoga Stretch for Runners and Cyclists... POST-WORKOUT GUIDED STRETCH: • POST-WORKOUT GUIDED STRETCH ROUTINE |... GUIDED MEDITATIONS: • GUIDED MEDITATIONS & BREATHWORK ------ Are you a YouTube Creator looking for royalty-free music? Click here: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referra... This is a referral link * ------ DISCLAIMER: All information presented on this platform is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only. Kirsten Allen and Dietitian Illustrated strongly recommend that you consult with your physician/personal healthcare team before beginning any exercise or nutrition program. You should be in good physical condition and be able to participate in the exercise. You should understand that when participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, or act upon any information presented in these videos, comments, or messages, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge Kirsten Allen and Dietitian Illustrated from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of Kirsten Allen's and Dietitian Illustrated's negligence. Sincerely, Kirsten Allen, BSc Kin, RD, P.H.Ec.