Grace Lutheran Church Live Stream 20241020 Twenty-second Sunday After Pentecost
Divine Service Setting Three Hymn 553 “O Christ, Our Hope, Our Hearts’ Desire” INTROIT Psalm 34:1-4, 17; Psalm 34:18 P: The Lord is near to the broken- | hearted* and saves the crushed in | spirit. C: I will bless the Lord at | all times;* His praise shall continually be | in my mouth. P: My soul makes its boast | in the Lord,* let the humble hear | and be glad. C: Oh, magnify the | Lord with me,* and let us exalt His name to -| gether! P: I sought the Lord, and He | answered me* and delivered me from | all my fears. C: When the righteous cry for help, the | Lord hears* and delivers them out of all their | troubles. All: Glory be the Father and | to the Son* and to the Holy | Spirit; as it was in the be - | ginning,* is now, and will be forever. | Amen. P: The Lord is near to the broken-| hearted* and saves the crushed in | spirit. Nicene Creed Hymn 602 “The Gifts Christ Freely Gives” Distribution Hymns 712 “Seek Ye First” 781 “We Give Thee But Thine Own” 744 “Amazing Grace” 850 “God of Grace and God of Glory” 782 “Gracious God, You Send Great Blessings” Nunc Dimittis