How to Communicate Clearly and Concisely (Free Mini-Training)
How to Communicate Clearly and Concisely (full version). This is a free mini-course designed to help you enhance your communication skills and impact in the workplace. Free Class on the Top 5 Essential Communication Skills all Professionals should have: https://www.alexanderlyon.com/free-re... Alex's COMMUNICATION COACH ACADEMY: https://www.alexanderlyon.com/cca Connect with Alex on Linkedin: / alexlyoncommunicationcoach Communication Coach, this channel, helps rising leaders like you increase your impact and lead your teams with more excellence. The channel focuses on communication skills for leaders, presentation skills, group and team skills, and conversation skills. If you're looking for self-paced communication skills training, this is the channel for you. 0:00 Intro 0:15 1 Use Plain Language 10:00 2 Concise Sentences 17:28 3 Logical Main Points 25:45 Back Up What You Say 34:02 Speak with Conviction