X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) - Movie Review (w/ Did You Z That!) *SPOILERS*

X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) - Movie Review (w/ Did You Z That!) *SPOILERS*

Our review for X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) - Directed by Brett Ratner - Starring Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Halle Berry & more! Did You Z That! -    / didyouzthat   Here’s the synopsis for X-Men: The Last Stand… The human government develops a cure for mutations, and Jean Gray becomes a darker uncontrollable persona called the Phoenix who allies with Magneto, causing escalation into an all-out battle for the X-Men. Thanks for watching! Be sure to like, comment and subscribe for more videos! •Follow me on Twitter -   / media   •Follow me on Instagram -   / theaaperez   Intro visuals created by Marquis Shepherd 👇🏼 Show him some love! • Marquis’ Company - http://herdmg.com • http://marqidesign.com The music in my intro/outro was composed by Jiano Joel - Be sure to check out Jiano Joel and reach out to him for any music needs you have! Let him know I sent you! 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 •Jiano Joel’s website - https://www.jianojoel.com/ •Jiano Joel’s Instagram -   / jianojoel   •Jiano Joel’s YouTube Channel -    / @jianojoel   I DO NOT own the rights to the images/footage used in this video. The images/footage are only being used as a visual aid for this review. All links to original videos below 👇🏼 ‘X-Men: The Last Stand’ Trailer -    • X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) Trailer ...   #Xmen #XMenTheLastStand #marvelcomics #marvelstudios #marvel #marveluniverse #wolverine #hughjackman #moviereview #review #movies #patrickstewart #ianmckellen #halleberry