3 Days in Kuching, Borneo, Malaysia!

3 Days in Kuching, Borneo, Malaysia!

Here's what we got up to in three days in Kuching, Borneo! This was such a beautiful three days visiting the Semonggoh National Park, Kuching city and kayaking down one of its many rivers. It was really easy once again to get around and hitch hiking was a breeze because the people over there were so friendly and helpful! For more information on Semenggoh National Park and what they do with the Orangutans, please visit: https://sarawaktourism.com/attraction... Current photo request counter- 6 Feel free to ask us any questions in the comment section below! Don't forget to like & subscribe too :) Next stop... Melacca/Melaka ---------------------------------------- Music: Lights by Sappheiros   / sappheirosmusic   Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b... Music promoted by Audio Library    • Lights – Sappheiros (No Copyright Music)   Last Summer by Ikson:   / ikson   Music promoted by Audio Library    • Last Summer – Ikson (No Copyright Music)