Go, Carry thy Burden to Jesus 너 예수께 조용히 나가 - Hymn 바이올린찬양 Violin Praise

Go, Carry thy Burden to Jesus 너 예수께 조용히 나가 - Hymn 바이올린찬양 Violin Praise

Piano - Jeongah Chun Shalom~ Welcome new subscribers! Thank you for visiting my worship channel. Our true joy only comes from Jesus Christ. I love to worship my Lord, I experience his glory in Heavenly realm. May God bless you and keep you. ^^ Go, Carry thy Burden to Jesus, And lay down thy load at His feet, Where calvary's cross is up-lifted, Find pardon and comforting sweet. O, steal a way softly to Jesus, To Him let thy heart be out poured Thy Father, who seeth in secret, Shall give thee a gracious reward. 샬롬~ 아름다운 주일입니다! 주님을 찬양하고 예배 드릴때가 가장 행복하고 기쁨이 있습니다. 너 예수께 조용히 나가 네 모든 짐 내려놓고 주 십자가 사랑을 믿어 죄사함을 너 받으라 주 예수께 조용히 나가 네 마음을 쏟아노라 늘 은밀히 보시는 주님 큰 은혜를 베푸시리