Chances of Catching an STD

Chances of Catching an STD

Ways or activities where there are chances of catching an STD like unprotected vaginal or anal sex, oral sex without a dental sex dam, sharing needles and drug equipment, playing with sex toys, etc. are discussed in this video. 👉👉👉 - our RECOMMENDED STD screening company that provides Fast, Affordable, and 100% Discreet, Private, and Confidential testing. Click the above link ☝️☝️☝️ to see the list of their test centers in your area, and to claim the Discount Coupon. Activities or Ways You Can Get STDs: Vaginal intercourse is sex between a man and a woman, during which the penis is inserted into the vagina. Chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, HIV, HPV, genital herpes, hepatitis B and C, and trichomoniasis can all be spread via vaginal intercourse. STDs that can spread via anal sex are chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, HIV, HPV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C. While it is often more difficult to contract an STD via oral sex, whether fellatio, cunnilingus or analingus, it is possible to get chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, oral herpes, genital herpes, HPV, and/or hepatitis B this way. Hepatitis A contracted from analingus is considered an STD. STD through Blood Exchange Sharing needles used for injecting drugs can spread HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C. Sharing straws or money to snort drugs like cocaine can also spread STDs. Blood transfusions and solid organ transplants – Before 1985, there was no way to screen blood donations or organs for HIV, and hepatitis C was not screened for before 1992. Even now, blood transfusions still carry a risk of infecting the recipient with HIV. Tattoo or piercing equipment that is not properly sterilized can transmit HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C. Open sores, wounds, or cuts can allow infected blood to enter the body. Those giving medical aid need to be sure to have their sores or wounds completely covered as not to risk getting STD infected blood mixed with their own. HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C can all be contracted this way. STDs with Pregnancy and Childbirth Mothers with an STD or STDs can transmit them to their fetus or baby during pregnancy or childbirth. Genital herpes, gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, HIV, and hepatitis B and C can all be transmitted to babies during delivery. HPV can cause genital warts, and if an enlarged wart blocks the birth canal, the baby will have to be delivered via cesarean section. These infections are especially dangerous to newborns and can even cause blindness or death. Breastfeeding HIV can be transmitted from mother to baby during breastfeeding if the mother is HIV-positive. Skin-To-Skin Contact Chlamydia, gonorrhea, and herpes can infect eye tissue if an individual has touched parts of the body that contain traces of these diseases, and then their eyes. Herpes and HPV can be transmitted from intimate skin-to-skin contact. Trichomoniasis can be contracted from hand-to-genital contact. STDs Through Infected Objects Sex toys that were not properly washed can be the source of trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, and herpes. If any blood is on the sex toy, HIV and hepatitis B and C can be contracted. Bedding, towels, etc., can host trichomoniasis or crabs or pubic lice for a while outside the body and spread infection. High-Risk Activities for Contracting STDs Unprotected vaginal or anal sex Oral sex without a dental/sex dam Sharing needles and drug equipment Getting piercings or tattoos from improperly sterilized equipment Having sex while under the influence of drugs or alcohol Having sex with an anonymous partner Having sex with more than one partner Having sex with a partner who has sex with others Activities That Help Avoid STDs Get vaccinated for HPV, hepatitis A, and hepatitis B before engaging in sexual activities Use a condom every time you have sex Get tested together for all STDs before engaging in sexual activity with a new partner Staying sober Not sharing sex toys Limiting your sexual partners Knowing your sexual partners before having sex with them #ChancesOfCatchingAnSTD #STDtesting #STDcheck #STItesting Some of our other videos: Oral Chlamydia -    • Oral Chlamydia or Mouth Chlamydia: Sy...   STD without Having Sex -    • Can You Get an STD Without Sex?   Flu-like STD Symptoms -    • Flu or STD? 11 Signs and Symptoms You...   Free STD Testing -    • Free STD Testing: Where To Get It?   Herpes on Breast -    • Can I Get Herpes On Breast?   HPV Testing -    • HPV and Human Papillomavirus Testing   DISCLOSURE: Our videos & descriptions contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on any of the recommended product links, & buy that product, we'll receive a small referral commission, without affecting your purchasing price. This helps support the channel & allows us to continue to make videos like this. Thank you! This presentation contains images used under Creative Commons License. See the full list of images & attributions: