Festal Matins for Feast of the Theophany of Our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ, January 6, 2024
Propers: https://mci.archpitt.org/sheetmusic/g... Blessing of Waters: https://mci.archpitt.org/sheetmusic/g... Livestream: https://stjohnchrysostom.org/st-john-... Festal Matins for the Feast of the Theophany of Our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ January 6, 2024 The combination of Vespers and the Divine Liturgy of Our Holy Father Basil the Great is sung four times in the Byzantine Church Year: the Eve of Christmas, the Eve of Theophany, Great and Holy Thursday, and Great and Holy Saturday. The hymns for the Vigil of Theophany are taken from the Festal Menaion of the Sisters of Saint Basil the Great of Uniontown, PA. Please be generous and consider a gift by visiting: https://stjohnchrysostom.org/one-time...