Easy healthy coffee cake muffin recipe // gluten free, no dairy /sugar 100 calorie air fryer recipe

Easy healthy coffee cake muffin recipe // gluten free, no dairy /sugar 100 calorie air fryer recipe

Easy healthy coffee cake banana muffin recipe // gluten free, dairy free, sugar free 100 calorie breakfast or snack healthy meal prep air fryer recipe. #explorepage, #youtubeshorts, #recipeshorts, #youtubetrending, #trending, #healthylifestyle, #healthyrecipe #weightlossrecipe #glutenfreerecipe #sugarfreerecipe #dairfreerecipe #breakfastmealprep #airfryerdesert #airfryerrecipe FULL RECIPE VIDEO POSTED ON MY PAGE Hey guys! In todays video, I am showing you guys an easy and healthy coffee cake banana muffin recipe gluten free, dairy free, sugar free, 100 calories great for weight loss and meal prep. All of the ingredients can be adapted in this recipe for dietary needs or taste preferences. This can be baked in an air fryer, pan or oven. The muffins could also be made as a pancake and thrown into the fridge of freezer. This is a super healthy alternative and a great pick me up for a snack on the go. The prep takes about 5 mins and bake time varies between 15-20! coffee banana muffin recipe let me know if you would be interested in more recipe inspo and other ideas in the comments!! I plan on making healthy recipes a segment on my channel as I am on a health journey and constantly trying new recipes and creating healthy alternatives that make you feel good. I try to use organic and whole foods. Don’t forget to subscribe, I have a lot of fun travel content coming soon! Lmk in the comments below what you want to see more of, thanks so much for watching!! I will be uploading more videos like this as well as fashion, shopping, travel, beauty, life style, health and wellness content! Thanks for watching xx Follow my socials:   / lydiaatalbo.  . tiktok.com/@lydiatalbotxx For business inquiries, personal, collaborations, or you want to send me something, contact me: [email protected] Uploading schedule: new videos every saturday ( sometimes wednesdays ) RECIPE makes 5/6 servings (aprox 100 cal each) (can also be cooked as a pancake on pan) gluten free dairy free refined sugar free air fryer or oven to bake prep time 5 mins baking time 15 mins on 400° ingredients: one ripe banana cold brew (instant coffee/ espresso ) 1/3 cup water 1/3 coconut or almond milk stevia or maple syrup 2/3 cups oat flour/ gf oats one egg 1 tsp vanilla extract 1 tsp baking powder avacado spray/ nonstick / baking cups (optional) cocoa powder dark chocolate note : this recipe can be added to personal taste preferences or other flavours by using water over coffee and adding additional flavours extra flavour ideas; pumpkin spice ( add pumpkin purée 1/4 and pumpkin pie spice or nutmeg and cinnamon ) apple cinnamon ( add cinnamon and finely chopped soft apple ) blueberry ( cinnamon and blueberry as recipe is ) topping ideas: greek yogurt, chocolate drizzle, honey, maple syrup HOW TO BEGIN: begin by preheating air fryer on bake at 400° make require extra bake time depending on individual device Begin by mixing water/cold brew, coffee powder milk, vanilla, baking soda, stevia/alternative, egg together Mash in over ripe medium banana Add in oat flour (cocoa powder optional) Spray baking tray or grease with butter, or paper liners Pour in mixture (Add additional toppings before or after baking on preference) Bake for 15-20 min alternating the tin half way (pay attention and check frequently as each air fryer and oven is different. Remove once tops are crispy and with a toothpick is no longer doughy. Let cool, and top with whatever you want!! Enjoy **note, this can also be made into a pancake by pouring into a hot pan lined in oil/butter, cook on 6 or mid temp and flip after bubbles begin let me know if you would be interested in more recipe inspo and ideas in the comments!! Use code LYDIA10 for $$ off at www.kisstherainbow.com Music: starfrosh.com #coffee cake muffin recipe gluten free, #coffee cake muffin recipe dairy free, #coffee cake muffin recipe sugar free, #muffin recipe for weight loss, #coffee cake muffin air fryer recipe, #breakfast meal prep recipe gluten free, #breakfast meal prep recipe dairy free, #coffee cake muffin recipe meal prep, #coffee cake muffin recipe 100 calories, #coffee cake muffin recipe 100 cals, #coffee cake muffin recipe weight loss, #coffee pancake recipe, #coffee banana pancake recipe, #coffee banana muffin recipe, #easy coffee muffin recipe, #healthy 5 minute coffee muffin recipe, #breakfast muffin healthy alternatives