Silentheart Assassination Is BROKEN... | Deepwoken
Hi guys, here I am back with a new interesting type of assassination build! Silentheart assassination, the build is actually really good in ganks, I recommend making it for sure! Discord Server: / discord Tags (ignore) #Deepwoken #Deepwoken chime #Deepwoken no attunement #deepwokenmontage #deepwokenbuild #How to play deepwoken #Deepwoken #deepwokenlayer2 #deepwokenupdate #Deepwoken Flamecharm #deepwokenbuild #deepwokengameplay #deepwokenverse2 #Deepwoken Frostdraw #shadowcast #Deepwoken Thundercall #Deepwoken Galebreath #Deepwoken Ironsing #Deepwoken Flamebuild #deepwokenverse2 #deepwokengameplay #deepwokenprogression #Deepwoken tutorial #roblox #robloxpvp #robloxmontage