Ihyangjeong: Carving with Memories | Official Trailer | GiiÖii, Studio Shelter 기억으로 만든 집: 이향정 VR
[기억으로 만든 집: 이향정 VR] 2022 SXSW 공식선정작 Ihyangjeong: Carving with Memories | Official Trailer Inspired by the homes of ancestors, Sunghwan Lee, builds a new house where he can carve his own memories Carving with Memories: Ihyangjeong is a documentary Quill VR animation based on the director's true story Ihyangjeong is the 300-year-old Korean traditional house designated by the National Folklore Cultural Heritage, located in Yangdong Folk Village, where it holds irreplaceable memories, and where the director spent his youth Created and Directed by Sunghwan Lee 이성환 Presented by Studio Shelter & GiiÖii 스튜디오 쉘터 & 기어이 이머시브 스토리텔링 스튜디오 Starring Justin Oh, Jichan 저스틴 오, 지찬 ---- Official Selection SXSW Festival 2022 Instagram @carvingwithmemories vr #이향정 #ihyangjeong #carvingwithmemories #이성환감독 #스튜디오쉘터 #기어이 ---- 2021 KOCCA 차세대 애니메이션 지원사업 선정작 This program was sponsored by Korea Creative Content Agency fund of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (Republic of Korea) 2020 네덜란드 국제다큐멘터리영화제(IDFA) Forum Official Selection 2021 독일 라이프치히 국제 애니메이션 & 다큐멘터리 영화제(DOK Leipzig) ‘DOK Exchange’ Official Selection ---- - Executive Producer: Jungwoo Yang(Studio Shelter) - Producer: Rene Hyewon Lee(Giioii) & Mina Hyeon(Giioii) - Co-Producer: Laon Kim(Studio Shelter) - Drawing Assistant: Yongsun Na - Music: Justin Oh - Technical Director: Sugon Kim(Giioii) - Production Manager: Jikyung Na(Giioii) - Title Caligraphy: Here Bae - Associate Producer: Jay Kim(Giioii), Sooyoung Choe(Giioii) - Developer: Yongseong Song - Poster Design: Hwanjin Jung(Studio Shelter) - Trailer: Grace Ahn - Sound Studio: Earcandy