Second Sunday of Advent - December 10, 2023
Our special worship service from December 10th, 2023, Second Sunday of Advent. In this service our choir performs the Christmas Cantata, "What Sweeter Music." Scripture Readings: (Act 1) Isaiah 9: 2, 6-7; Isaiah 60: 1-6, 19; Luke 1: 26-35, 38; Luke 2: 1-7 (Act 2) Luke 2: 8-20; Matthew 2: 1-11; John 1: 1-14 Chapters: 0:00 Prelude 2:20 Welcome & Announcements 4:02 Lighting of the Advent Candle 4:54 Advent Song 5:20 Candle Prayer 6:09 Confession & Forgiveness 7:41 Gathering Song 9:58 Children's Sermon 13:08 Greeting 13:16 Prayer of the Day 14:18 Cantata "What Sweeter Music," Act 1 27:38 Offering 29:27 Offertory 29:57 Offering Prayer 30:22 Dialog 30:34 Words of Institution 31:02 The Lord's Prayer 31:42 Invitation to Communion 40:51 Post Communion Blessing and Prayer 41:48 Cantata "What Sweeter Music," Act 2 56:29 Blessing 56:47 Hymn of the Day 58:28 Dismissal Copyright Notice: Permission to reprint, podcast, and/or stream the music in this service obtained from One License with license #A-717917; all rights reserved.