AFTER Lawn Aeration Do THIS

AFTER Lawn Aeration Do THIS

This is the fourth part of my lawn aeration series. If you are going to aerate your lawn coming out of summer just before fall starts then you need to prepare in advance to get the most out of the job. In the first video, I took initial preparation steps about 10 days before aerating. In the second video, I applied my fertilizer and watered roughly three days prior to aeration. In the third video, I aerated and explained how to get that job done right. In this fourth video, I introduce the concept of post-aeration and what to do to get the most bang for your buck. In my opinion, it is all about top-dressing with materials that are hard to incorporate into the soil otherwise. After I aerated my lawn this past Spring I top-dressed with Worm Castings, Peat Moss, and then a couple weeks later with Azomite. This time around I am top-dressing with BioChar. I encourage you to take the extra step of top-dressing your lawn after aeration even if the main plan is to over-seed or do leveling work. Anderson's BioChar DG is one of the easiest biochars to buy online and then spread on the lawn. I've used it multiple times before along with many other brands. That's the stuff I buy each and every time these days. ♦ You can buy it on Amazon: ♦ You can also buy it straight off of Anderson's website which is sometimes cheaper: Make sure to Google "Turf Mechanic BioChar" and you'll find all of my resources on biochar. At the time of recording this video I've been experimenting with five different BioChars from five different companies and I have a couple others I'm planning on getting my hands on as well. On the Turf Mechanic website, I'll have a list of all of the biochars I've experimented with and researched along with what I think about them for lawns and for gardens. You can see that blog post here: Make sure to see the other videos in this series below: ► 10-Days Before You Aerate:    • BEFORE You Core Aerate You HAVE To Do...   ► 3-Days Before You Aerate:    • You NEED To Be Fertilizing Your Lawn ...   ► How To Mechanically Aerate:    • How To Mechanically Aerate YOUR Lawn ...   ► How To Manually Core Aerate:    • How To Manually Core Aerate A Lawn   ► Liquid vs Core Aeration:    • Core Aeration vs Liquid Airation: Whi...   And make sure to see this article on my website all about aerating your lawn in the Spring: Finally, I have an aeration FAQ playlist on my Briefs channel that might answer some of your questions. You can see that playlist here:    • Aeration Q&A   ◙◙◙◙ More About Me & Other Related Links ◙◙◙◙ (My Other Channels) Turf Mechanic Briefs -    / @turfmechanicbriefs   Turf Mechanic Vlogs -    / @turfmechanicvlogs   My Latest Yard Tour    • End Of Lawn Season Yard Tour w/ Proje...   My Lawn's Change Log All About Me & What I Do Premium Content Available Here I'm Also On Instagram   / turfmechanic