어버이날 용돈 양파즙으로 위장했을때  친정반응wife's house react when Parents' Day allowance is disguised as onion juice.

어버이날 용돈 양파즙으로 위장했을때 친정반응wife's house react when Parents' Day allowance is disguised as onion juice.

Please set the subtitles before watching the video [김박부부극장] 어버이날을 앞두고 남편과 저는 시댁과 친정을 속이기 위한 깜짝 이벤트(?)를 준비했답니다 ^^ 장인어른의 표정과 반응에 주목해주세요~^^ 구독, 좋아요, 댓글은 저희 부부에게 큰 힘이 됩니당~ 시청해주셔서 감사드립니다~(꾸벅) #김박부부극장 #어버이날선물 #어버이날이벤트 Please set the subtitles before watching the video Ahead of Parents' Day, my husband and I prepared a surprise event to deceive our in-laws and wife's house :) Funny facial expressions and reactions from father-in-law :) Please subscribe, like, comment, and set the alarm. It's a big help us. Thank you for watching. #KimPark_couple_Theater #Parents'_Day_Gift Parents'_Day_Event Please set the subtitles before watching the video 両親の日を控えて夫と私は夫の実家と実家を 騙すためのびっくりイベントを準備しました。 ギターを弾く新米ワイフ 夫がこっそり撮影しました:) 義父の表情と反応に注目してください。:) 購読、いいね。 コメントは僕たち夫婦に。 大きな力になります~ 視聴してくださってありがとうございます~ #キムパクカップル劇場 #父の日の贈り物 #父の日イベント ▶배경음(Background music) springtime family band - The Green Orbs ▶효과음(Sound Effect)    • [효과음 #01] 유투브 영상편집에 꼭 필요한 120가지 효과음. ...