Daily Live Holy Eucharist | Live Holy Mass, at 6:15 pm, 9th April 2024, St. Joseph Church, Mira Road
Daily Live Holy Eucharist Live Holy Mass, at 6:15 pm, Tuesday 9th April 2024, St. Joseph Church, Mira Road Begins at 6:11 am with the Mass Intentions and the Regina Coeli, 6:15 am Holy Eucharist,. During this Holy Eucharist we pray for the following intentions: +for the Souls of: Forgotten Souls, Boniface Fernandes, Baptist D’Souza & Louis Angeline D’Souza, Ivy Margaret Lobo, Remy D’Souza, Ruzai Philomena D’Souza, Anna Francis Fernandes, Amros & Rosy Simond, Vincent Silva, Cornelia Silva, Hilda Rodrigues, Gregory Rodrigues, Jeena Rodrigues, Maxim D’Souza, Terrance, Elizabeth John Stevens, Joseph & Dorris D’Souza, Gustin & Aplon Mandas, Dominic & Rita D’Souza, Estep & Shilu D’Souza. +Special Petition:- For good health of Valentina Dias. +Thanksgiving Mass:- By Sheryl D’Souza, To St. Anthony by Marceline Pereira, By Fernandes family, By Anushka Lobo, To Jesus & Mary for granting Notary to his dad. +Wedding Anniversary:- Trevos & Jeena Fernandes. +Birthday:- Maria Rodrigues