NEER & REER | Concepts of Economy | By Sivakumar Sir | UPSC | Rau's IAS

NEER & REER | Concepts of Economy | By Sivakumar Sir | UPSC | Rau's IAS

he nominal effective exchange rate (NEER) is an unadjusted weighted average rate at which one country’s currency exchanges for a basket of multiple foreign currencies, Where as The real effective exchange rate (REER) is the weighted average of a country’s currency in relation to an index or basket of other major currencies. Increase in any of these indices mean the export competitiveness of India is decreasing as rupee appreciating agains the basket of currencies. --------------- 🎯Watch more videos of Shivakumar Sir 1. 👉   • Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) | India...   2.👉   • Nominal Exchange Rate & Real Exchange...   3.👉   • Video   4. 👉   • NEER & REER | Concepts of Economy | B...   5.    • Interest Rates, Bond Prices & Bond Yi...   -------------- 🎯Economics Optional Batches 👉 --------------- 🎯 RAU’S IAS ONLINE FOR UPSC/IAS - ELEARN 👉 eLearn - Not all our learning content is on YouTube. All our content is available on our learning platform - ----------------- 🎯Connect with Rau’s IAS Study Circle 👉 Facebook:   / rausias   👉 Instagram:   / rausias   👉 Telegram Channel: 👉 Twitter:   / rausias   ----------------- 🎯 Go To Website 👉 ---------------- #NominalEffectiveExchangeRate #NEER #RealEffectiveExchangeRate #REER #basicsofeconomics #Economy #indianeconomy #RausIAS #UPSC #currentaffairs #rauias #conceptsofeconomy #indianeconomy #ias #currentaffairs #economicsoptional #neer #reer #economics #economycurrentaffairs #economicsoptional #economics