Port Nelson United Church Sunday Service - November 14, 2021
Welcome to Port Nelson United Church's Sunday service for November 14, 2021, the Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost. Order of Service: https://portnelson.ca/wp-content/uplo... Announcements Notebook: https://portnelson.ca/wp-content/uplo... ORDER OF SERVICE Prelude: "Three Chorale Preludes on 'O God, Be Merciful to Me'" - 0:00 Welcome & Announcements - 9:56 Mistletoe Mart: Words of Appreciation from June Wright - 15:08 Opening Hymn: "This Day God Gives Me" - 22:30 Call to Worship & Peace Greeting - 25:20 Community Prayers - 26:36 Bible Reading: Psalm 84 - 29:36 Hymn: "My Soul Cries Out" - 31:57 Gospel Bible Reading: Mark 13: 1-8 - 36:50 Sermon: "Circling" - 39:52 Invitation for Offering - 57:25 Offertory Music: "O Rest in the Lord" (F. Mendelssohn) - 58:07 Prayer of Dedication - 1:01:37 Closing Hymn: "All My Hope on God Is Founded" - 1:01:58 Commissioning and Blessing - 1:05:06 Postlude: "Concerto for Two Keyboards, 1st Movement" (G.P. Telemann) - 1:05:29