Correct a Leg Length Discrepancy Fast with Somatics

Correct a Leg Length Discrepancy Fast with Somatics

Somatics for leg length discrepancy. Even out your leg length discrepancy quickly and easily with somatic movements! Been struggling with uneven leg lengths, lateral pelvic tilt? This simple sequence of somatic movements is your key to finding balance. In this video, I'll guide you through five simple yet effective somatic exercises designed to swiftly address leg length discrepancies. Somatic movements focus on reprogramming your brain-to-muscle connection, allowing you to naturally reduce muscle tension, restore alignment and alleviate discomfort. I will walk you through step-by-step instructions, ensuring you can easily follow along at your own pace. These gentle and accessible techniques can be practiced by individuals of all fitness levels. Embrace the power of somatic movements and unlock the potential for a more balanced and aligned body. Hit that play button now and let's get started! LEARN MORE Get my Free 7 Day Email Course: ➡️ Book an Online 1-1: ➡️ Take a full class with me today: ➡️ – SHOW YOUR SUPPORT Buy me a Coffee: ➡️ #leglengthdiscrepancy #shortleg #learnsomatics Music by Coma-Media from Pixabay