Luke 1:20–22 Announcement of the Birth of John Part 5 #god #film  #jesuschrist #bible #movie #lord

Luke 1:20–22 Announcement of the Birth of John Part 5 #god #film #jesuschrist #bible #movie #lord

Luke 1:20–22 Announcement of the Birth of John Part 5 #god ,#film , #jesuschrist, #bible, #movie, #lord, #jesus , #biblehistoryseries , #story , #history , #truth , #newtestament , #luke , #john, #jhon , #birth , #christ , #christmas , #catholic , #christian 20 But now you will be speechless and unable to talk* until the day these things take place, because you did not believe my words, which will be fulfilled at their proper time.”j 21 Meanwhile the people were waiting for Zechariah and were amazed that he stayed so long in the sanctuary. 22 But when he came out, he was unable to speak to them, and they realized that he had seen a vision in the sanctuary. He was gesturing to them but remained mute.