cp plus wifi camera all features I Recording Mode I Storage Settings I Format Card | e25a
cp plus wifi camera all features and modes I Recording Mode I Storage Settings I Format Card | e25a In this video I have demonstrated how to to storage settings in the ezykam+ app. We have covered each and every points and functions under storage settings. We have covered total capacity, used capacity and remaining capacity of the SD card. We have also covered local recording, loop recording and different recording modes i.e. non-stop recording and event recording. I have also shown how to schedule the recording with the help of an example as per our convenience. How to format the SD Card from within the app. How to do flip settings in the ezykam+ app. cp plus wifi camera configuration with jio | cp plus e25a 2mp full hd camera | cp plus memory camera In this video we talk about "cp plus e25a 2mp full hd camera" and complete " cp plus wifi camera online with jio" or any other wifi signal. I have demonstrated the full settings and feature of ezykam Plus App using CP Plus ezykam E21A/E25A 2MP Full HD Camera setup. CP PLUS Intelligent Home Wi-Fi PT Camera, Compatible with Alexa & Ok Google, Full HD, Cloud Monitoring, 360°View, Motion Tracking, Motion Detection, 2-Way Communication, Night Vision, SD Card Support. #cpplusezycam #cppluscameramode #cppluse25afeatures #cppluscameraallfeatures #cpplusezykamwificamera