Dying Light 2 Stay Human Walkthrough Gameplay Part 26 - Jack Matt - (Xbox Series X)

Dying Light 2 Stay Human Walkthrough Gameplay Part 26 - Jack Matt - (Xbox Series X)

Dying Light 2 Stay Human Walkthrough Gameplay Part 26 - Jack Matt - (Xbox Series X) Dying Light 2 Stay Human Walkthrough Gameplay Part 26 This video includes the 26th part of Dying Light 2 Stay Human that is played on the Xbox Series X. Dying Light 2 Stay Human is a 2022 action role-playing game developed and published by Techland. The sequel to Dying Light, the game was released on February 4, 2022 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. Aiden makes his way to the city of Villedor after being notified that there is an informant that knows the whereabouts of Dr. Waltz, a doctor who experimented on Aiden and Mia when they were children, in hopes that Dr. Waltz knows Mia's location. Aiden meets the informant, but is bitten by a volatile and infected. The informant gives Aiden a working GRE electronic key, warning him that if Waltz gets his hands on it, Villedor is doomed. He also instructs Aiden to take the key to the "Fish Eye" and hand it to a woman named Lawan. The informant is then captured and executed by Waltz while Aiden flees, making his way further into Villedor. Due to lacking a bio-marker, which tracks the progress of a person's infection, Aiden is nearly executed by fearful citizens but is saved by Hakon, one of the locals. Hakon explains tensions in Villedor are high due to a Peacekeeper officer, Lucas, having been recently murdered, and the Peacekeepers believe the survivors of the Bazaar are responsible, risking the outbreak of war between the two factions. Hakon helps Aiden obtain a bio-marker and tries to smuggle him into Villedor's Central district, where the Fish Eye is located. Players can choose to side with either the Bazaar's leaders, Carl and Sophie or Aitor, an officer for the Peacekeeper. Both of them promise Aiden that they will smuggle him into the Central District as both sides go to war. Regardless of who Aiden sides with, he discovers that Hakon killed Lucas on Waltz's orders. Waltz confronts Aiden, demonstrating superhuman abilities as he steals the GRE key from him. Aiden pursues Waltz to an abandoned car factory, where he uses the key to activate a console before Lawan intervenes, incapacitating Waltz long enough for Aiden to recover the key and escape. Lawan reveals that she was also one of Waltz's test subjects and seeks revenge against him, and that Lucas was murdered by Waltz after originally finding the GRE key. With the key, Aiden and Lawan are able to enter the Central district, where they see electricity suddenly be restored to the city due to Waltz's use of the key. Aiden then meets with the commander of the Peacekeepers, Jack Matt, and the former leader of the now defunct Nightrunner group, Frank. They both task Aiden with reactivating the radio antenna atop Villedor's highest skyscraper so that they can broadcast messages to all of Villedor and the settlements beyond, and in return they can help Aiden with finding a surviving GRE doctor so that he can access the GRE database. After reactivating the tower, Aiden learns that the GRE doctor's identity is Dr. Veronika Ryan, a Bazaar resident. Aiden returns to the Bazaar and finds Veronika, who is on the run from the Renegades. Together, they head to a GRE facility called the Observatory, where the GRE database is located. Aiden accesses the database, but doesn't find any helpful data to find Mia but discovers that Waltz reactivating Villedor's power plant also reactivated a GRE failsafe protocol calling missile strikes to destroy Villedor. Waltz arrives to take the key, and while fighting him, Aiden loses control of his infection and kills Veronika just as a missile destroys the Observatory and Waltz escapes with the key. Lawan pulls Aiden from the debris, and he warns her that Waltz's experiments on him means he will inevitably turn. However, he can't stop Lawan from going after the leader of the Renegades, Colonel Williams. Williams claims he originally stopped the missile strikes, but Waltz has resumed them. Not wanting to see Villedor destroyed, Williams tells Aiden to head for the X13 lab to confront Waltz and stop the missiles. Aiden and Lawan enter the complex and are shocked to find that X13 was supposed to be a survival shelter for GRE officials, with massive stockpiles of supplies. Lawan rescues Hakon after he tries to protect them from the Renegades, leaving Aiden to continue alone. As he journeys through X13, he realizes it is the same facility where he was experimented on.