15 Unknown STRANGE Facts About UGANDA : The WORLD'S MOST ECCENTRIC Country - Travel Documentary

15 Unknown STRANGE Facts About UGANDA : The WORLD'S MOST ECCENTRIC Country - Travel Documentary

#traveldocumentary #uganda #africa 15 Unknown STRANGE Facts About UGANDA : The WORLD'S MOST ECCENTRIC Country - Travel Documentary Mali is a landlocked country in West Africa, known for its rich history and cultural heritage. It was home to several powerful empires, including the Ghana, Mali, and Songhai empires, which were major centers of trade, learning, and wealth, particularly during the medieval period. The city of Timbuktu, in Mali, was an important intellectual and cultural hub, famous for its ancient libraries and mosques. Today, Mali is known for its music, traditional crafts, and a diverse population with various ethnic groups, including the Bambara, Tuareg, and Fulani. Despite challenges like political instability and poverty, Mali maintains a vibrant culture with a strong sense of national identity.