TODAY HOLY ROSARY THURSDAY NOVEMBER 18, 2021 🧡 Luminous Mysteries VIRTUAL🧡 Thursday

TODAY HOLY ROSARY THURSDAY NOVEMBER 18, 2021 🧡 Luminous Mysteries VIRTUAL🧡 Thursday

MONTH of CHRIST JESUS THE KING 🧡 NOVEMBER DEVOTIONS During the month of November, we will offer a special rosary every day at 8 AM EST. Let us go to Jesus through Mary with more attentive prayers and Journey Deeper this month of the Christ Jesus the King, November. May we find ourselves more in love with Jesus on November 30 than we are on November 1st. May God be praised. In Jesus through Mary, 🧡 Cecelia Subscribe to this channel: Catholic Items for November : 🧡 Saint Benedict Wall Crucifix: 🧡 Advent Wreath Candle Holder: 🧡 From Advent to Epiphany Traditional Catholic Devotional: My Amazon Store: Donate to Support this Channel: Consider becoming a Patreon: Journey Deeper Rosaries and Chaplets: Journey Deeper Merch: In this virtual Luminous Rosary today, rosary for Thursday, we pray the Luminous Mysteries of the Holy Rosary. The timestamps for each mystery: 00:00:00​ - Intro 00:00:50 - Novena to Christ the King 00:01:55 - Saint of the Day 00:02:03 - Prayer for the Holy Souls in Purgatory 00:02:29 - Luminous Rosary Opening Prayers 00:04:47​ - Baptism of the Lord - 1st decade 00:10:01​ - Wedding at Cana - 2nd decade 00:15:19​ - Proclamation of the Kingdom - 3rd decade 00:20:30​ - The Transfiguration - 4th decade 00:25:35​ - Institution of the Eucharist - 5th decade 00:30:49 - Hail Holy Queen and Closing Prayers 00:32:04 - Litany of Mary 00:37:21 - Prayer to St. Joseph 00:38:20 - St. Michael the Archangel Prayer 00:38:49 - Memorare Prayer 🙏🏻 More Prayer you may like 🙏🏻 Chaplet of St. Michael the Archangel:    • Chaplet of St Michael the Archangel   ☀️Catholic Morning and Night Prayers💤    • Catholic☀️Morning and 💤Night Prayers   🌹 Holy Rosary Virtual 🌹    • 🌹 Holy Rosary Virtual Playlist 🌹   🌏 World Mission Rosary 🌏    • World Peace Rosary 🌏   ❤️ Flame of Love Rosaries ❤️ 💜 Padre Pio Penitential Rosaries for Everyday 💜    • Padre Pio Rosary | Penitential Rosary...   ⏱ Prayer Rooms 24/7:    • 🙏🏻 Rosary Live Prayer Rooms 24/7 🌹   Intergenerational Healing Family Rosary: Miracle! Virgin Mary appears in a photo!:    • Miracle! Virgin Mary appears in this ...   🌹Journey Deeper Rosary Online Store: 🌹Follow Me On Instagram:   / journeydeeper   #rosary #rosarytoday #novemberdevotions #journeydeeper