February 12, 2023 | Kevin and Deven Wallace | Sunday Worship Service

February 12, 2023 | Kevin and Deven Wallace | Sunday Worship Service

Welcome to Sunday Service! If it's your first time, text "Guest" to 423-200-4933. ________ #kevinwallace #redemptiontothenations #devenwallace #chattanooga First Time Guest: https://bit.ly/2WC9UyY Online Giving: https://bit.ly/2Y0s2mC Prayer Request: http://bit.ly/2Foy8ni Website: https://bit.ly/3mGrqwV Online Store: https://bit.ly/3KaKaNR _______ Subscribe to our other ministries channels: Kevin Wallace: https://bit.ly/2Q65hK9 Worship: https://bit.ly/33NbVtu Youth: https://bit.ly/3acmyHq Kids: https://bit.ly/2XNOAnG Production: http://bit.ly/3oVDBU1 RTTN Español: https://bit.ly/3bfCxDM ______ Follow On Social Media: Kevin Wallace Facebook:   / rttnpastor   Kevin Wallace Instagram:   / bishopkevinwallace   Kevin Wallace Twitter:   / rttnpastor   Kevin Wallace Ministries: https://www.kevinwallace.tv RTTN Church Facebook:   / rttnchurch   RTTN Church Instagram:   / rttnchurch