Red Blood Cell Production | Erythropoiesis | RBC series Cells Morphology | Master Chart & Images
Hi, This Video is about Understanding Red Blood cells Production that is called Erythropoiesis. I have Included whole aspects of Erythropoiesis as below. 00:00 - Introduction of Erythropoiesis 00:54 - Learning Objectives of Discussion 01:18 - RBC structure 04:10 - Requirement for RBC Production 06:32 - Function of Red Blood cells 07:02 - Master chart Of hematopoiesis & Erythropoiesis 08:56 - RBC Premature cells series morphology & Images of Different stages of RBC series cells 12:34 - Proerythroblast & Basophilic Normoblast Morphology 14:50 - Polychromatophilic & Late Normoblast Morphology 18:05 - Reticulocyte Morphology 22:32 - Erythron 23:15 - Summary of Erythropoiesis It's better if you watch my Hematopoiesis video first for better understanding of Erythropoiesis. Link is as below. • Hematopoiesis & Hematopoietic Niche |... Like, Share & Subscribe Channel!! Don't forget to Press 🔔 Bell icon, So that you will be notified whenever I am posting New Videos! Thank You.